Most homeowners feel that they are very uninformed when it come to the basic benefits of Weirsdale Air Duct Cleaning. Below are a few dozen reasons, and their sources, as to why one should have their Weirsdale home’s air duct system professionally cleaned.
1- 9 out of 10 system failures are caused by dirt and dust. (Lces) louisiana cooperative extension service.
2- Clean systems restore capacity and lessen running time. Translation: savings on monthly heating/cooling bills. (Lces)
3- A buildup of .042 inches of dirt on heating or cooling coil can result in a decrease in efficiency of 21%. (Epa) environmental protection agency.
4- Most commercially purchased fiberglass filters are only 7% efficient in stopping dirt, dust, pollen, etc. Passing through it. (Ashrae)
5- 50% of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air. (American college of allergists)
6- One out of six people who suffer from allergies do so because of the direct relationship to the fungi and bacteria in air duct systems. (Total health & better health magazines)
7- Legionnaire’s disease was spawned in air conditioning ducts. It killed 29 people in 1976. (American lung assoc)
8- In the summer of 1988 at least 7 people died in the los angeles area from legionnaire’s disease. (Modesto bee 9/22/88)
9- Children are more likely than adults to be affected by polluted indoor-air they breathe faster, inhale more air per unit of body weight and are closer to the ground where concentrations are higher. (Dept. Of consumer affairs)
10- The elderly, asthmatics, and people with breathing problems, allergies, and lung diseases are also likely to be more sensitive to pollutants. (Dept. Of consumer affairs)
11- Most people spend 60-90% of their time indoors. (Ala) american lung association
12- Indoor air is found to be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. (Epa) environmental protection agency
Weirsdale Duct Cleaning Could be the Healthiest Home Improvement You Will Ever Make!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/70464